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Which Mutual Fund to Choose?

Which Mutual Fund to Choose? When choosing a mutual fund, several factors come into play to ensure you make an informed decision tailored to your fin…

Is SIP and mutual fund the same thing?

Is SIP and mutual fund the same thing? No, SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) and mutual funds are not the same thing, but they are closely related. A …

Is SIP better than RD?

Is SIP better than RD? Comparing SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) with RD (Recurring Deposit) SIPs offer the potential for higher returns compared to…

Does SIP have an exit load?

Does SIP have an exit load? Yes, SIPs can be subject to exit loads, which depend on the mutual fund scheme you're investing in.  If a mutual fund…

Is it possible to decrease or increase the SIP amount?

Is it possible to decrease or increase the SIP amount? Yes, you can increase or decrease the amount of your SIP investment. If you want to increase y…

Does SIP offer tax-saving benefits?

Does SIP offer tax-saving benefits? Yes, SIP can help you save tax if you invest in tax-saving Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) mutual funds. ELSS…

Is it Possible to Stop SIP?

Is it Possible to Stop SIP? Yes, you can stop an SIP anytime you want. Unlike fixed deposits (FD) or recurring deposits (RD), there's no fixed te…

Is investing in SIP considered secure or not?

Is investing in SIP considered secure or not? SIP, or Systematic Investment Plan, is indeed a safe method to invest in mutual funds. Unlike investing…

What is SIP?

What is SIP? SIP, or Systematic Investment Plan, is like a buddy which helps you save and invest regularly without needing a big chunk of money upfro…
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